彝医火草灸疗法属于特色民族疗法,其具有简单、便捷、价廉、疗效高的优势。近年来,文献表明火草灸疗法对多种疾病治疗均有良好的疗效,文章简述了火草灸的历史源流、彝医临床理论及火草临床作用,旨在为日后发扬火草灸特有的治疗优势和基础研究提供帮助。Yi medicine fireweed moxibustion therapy belongs to the characteristic national therapy, which has the advantages of simplicity, convenience, inexpensive and high efficacy. In recent years, the literature shows that fireweed moxibustion therapy has good therapeutic effect on the treatment of many diseases. The article briefly describes the historical origin of fireweed moxibustion, the clinical theories of Yi medicine, and the clinical role of fireweed, aiming to provide help for the future development of fireweed moxibustion’s unique therapeutic advantages and basic research.
Traditional Chinese Medicine