当前,由于服装消费市场规模的快速发展,人们衣柜里的衣物越来越多,而过多的衣物给人们造成了诸多困扰。针对人们搭配衣服效率较低的问题,本文采用MySQL数据库和云端两种类型的存储方式对用户衣柜中的衣物数据以及Kinect读取的用户信息进行存储,同时RFID技术通过射频信号的方式将系统中的数据以及Kinect读取的用户信息结合Dynamic Fusion算法,构造出三维动画呈现在UI显示屏上,用户只需在显示屏上搭配自己喜欢的风格,随机显示屏会呈现出用户选定的衣物的具体位置。该系统的设计极大地简化了用户思考,以及试衣服的烦琐过程,同时也大大节约了时间、提高了搭配衣服的效率、增加了用户对于着装前的使用体验感。
At present, due to the rapid development of the scale of clothing consumption market, more and more clothes are in people’s wardrobes, and too many clothes have caused many troubles to people. Aiming at the low efficiency of matching clothes, this paper uses MySQL database and cloud to store the clothes data in the user’s wardrobe and the user’s information read by Kinect. At the same time, RFID technology combines the data in the system and the user information read by Kinect with Dynamic Fusion algorithm by means of radio frequency signals to construct three-di- mensional animation and present it on the UI display screen. Users only need to match their favorite style on the display screen, and the random display screen will show the specific location of the clothes selected by the user. The design of the system greatly simplifies the user’s thinking and the cumbersome process of trying on clothes, greatly saves time, improves the efficiency of matching clothes, and increases the user’s experience before dressing.
Software Engineering and Applications