本文主要研究了广义半逻辑分布在渐近II型删失下的统计推断问题。首先,我们介绍了广义半逻辑 分布的概念和性质,然后提出了渐近II型删失机制。 接着,我们详细推导了在渐近II型删失下,使 用最大似然估计和贝叶斯方法估计广义半逻辑分布参数的过程。 最后,通过数值模拟和实际数据 分析,验证了所提出方法的有效性和适用性。
In this paper, the parameter estimation problem of generalized semi-logical distribu-tion under progressive type II censored is studied. Firstly, we introduce the conceptand properties of generalized semi-logical distribution, and then propose the asymp-totic type II deletion mechanism. Then, we derive in detail the procedure of esti-mating generalized semi-logical distribution parameters by using maximum likelihoodestimation and Bayesian method under asymptotic type II deletion. Finally, the effec-tiveness and applicability of the proposed method are verified by numerical simulationand actual data analysis.
Pure Mathematics