该文研究了高阶 omni-李代数胚 E-对偶结构。首先,根据 E-值对偶丛的定义,在直和丛DnE⊕ℑE上定义了Dn-1E-值配对和高阶 Dorfman 括号,其中DnE和ℑE 分别为向量 E 的n-阶微分算子从和jet从。得到了高阶 omni-李代数 E-对偶结构。其次,通过莱布尼茨代数胚的匹配对,构造了与高阶 omni-李双代数胚相关的匹配对,并且得到了与平凡线丛 M×ℝ 相关的高阶omni-李双代数胚 double。
In this paper, we study a E-value dual of higher omni Lie algebroids. First, we define Dn-1E-value pairing and higher Dorfman bracket on the direct sum bundle DnE⊕ℑE, where DnE and ℑE are, respectively, the n-th differential operator bundle and the jet bundle of a vector bundle E, construct a E-value dual of higher omni Lie algebroids.Secondly, through the matched pair of Leibniz algebras, construct a matched pair associated to higher omni Lie bialgebroid, and study higher omni Lie bialgebroid double associated to a trivial line bundle.
Pure Mathematics