针对普遍认为的高等数学难的情况,采集了不同专业120名学生学习高数的情况与高等数学的综合成绩,利用粗糙集理论中上下近似的相关理论对采集的数据进行分析,得到数据之间的依赖程度,最终得到高等数学是否能通过的主要影响因素与得高分的主要影响因素。With the view that higher mathematics is difficult, 120 students’ situation from different majors to study high mathematics and the grades of higher mathematics are collected. By using the related theory of upper and lower approximation in rough set theory, the degree of dependence between the data is obtained, and the main influencing factors of whether higher mathematics can pass or not and the main influencing factors of high scores are finally obtained.
Pure Mathematics