Based on the precipitation data of 8 meteorological stations in Enshi Prefecture from 1970 to 2020, this paper calculates the Z index of the average annual precipitation in Enshi Prefecture in recent 50 years, judges the level of drought and flood, and makes a temporal and spatial analysis of the flood and precipitation in Enshi Prefecture by using the average method and the average center, the following research results are obtained: in terms of time distribution, there have been 19 partial floods, 35 large floods and 33 heavy floods in Enshi Prefecture in recent 50 years, with a total of 87 floods. The floods are mainly concentrated in 1979~1983, 1996~1998, 2007~2008 and 2016~2020, and the types of floods are mainly large floods and heavy floods;In terms of spatial distribution, from the observation of the average value of precipitation, the overall precipitation is large, there are small differences in regional distribution, and the temporal and spatial distribution is uneven. On the whole, it shows the characteristics of more in the South and less in the north, especially more in the southeast and less in the northeast and northwest;from the observation of the average center, there is no general law to follow in the evolution path from 1970 to 2020. The evolution position of the average center is relatively scattered, but concentrated in Xuanen county. The overall average center position in recent 50 years is mainly in Xuanen county.
Open Journal of Nature Science