纳米ZnO作为光催化剂,无毒无害、性能及结构稳定。石墨烯厚度只有0.335 nm,具有独特的层状结构,可以为纳米ZnO附着提供良好的附着平台。石墨烯是良好的电子受体,为电子的传输提供了优异的平台,抑制了光生电子–空穴对的复合,同时石墨烯对抗生素废水中所含物质也有一定吸附性能,也一定程度上提高了光催化剂的催化效率,所以提高了光催化剂对抗生素类废水所含物质的吸附性能,从而达到处理废水的效果。本文制备的ZnO/石墨烯复合物,通过单因素和正交试验得出降解抗生素类废水的最佳条件是:催化剂投加量25 mg,pH为6,反应时间为4 h,反应温度为40℃,降解率达到了91.6%。
As a photo-catalyst, nanometer ZnO is non-toxic, harmless and its performance and structure are stable. Graphene, with an unique layer structure, though has a thickness of just 0.335 nm, can provide a good plat-form for the adhesion of nanometer ZnO. Graphene is a good receptor, which provides a good platform for electronic transmission and suppresses the compound of the photo production electronic-hole. Meanwhile, graphene can adsorb certain substance contained in the antibiotic wastewater, which to a certain extent develops the efficiency and the adsorption of the photo-catalyst, and finally improves the wastewater. In this paper, the best condition to degrade antibiotic wastewater through single factor experiment and orthogonal test is that when the dosing quantity of the catalyst—ZnO/Graphene compound is 25 mg, pH is 6, reaction time is 4 h and temperature is 40?C, the degradation rate can reach91.6%.
Open Journal of Nature Science