In the 2018 Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on the Application of the Administrative Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, administrative guidance acts were clearly listed as acts that did not fall within the scope of administrative litigation, and courts also responded to how administrative guidance acts should be determined in specific cases. Through the combing of judgments, it can be seen that judges focus on the subject, functional and legal elements of administrative acts when reviewing, among which they are not mandatory and do not have an actual impact on the rights and obligations of administrative counterparts as the main factors for courts to judge administrative guidance acts. However, according to the combing of judgments, it is concluded that although some administrative guidance acts are not compulsory, the counterparty’s corresponding acts out of trust in the government cause damage to rights and interests, and most of them cannot be remedied through judicial review. Compared with “not compulsory” as the criterion for determining non-actionable administrative guidance acts, the criterion for “not having disposition” is more in line with the original legislative intent and meets the requirements of diversified resolu-tion and substantive resolution of current administrative disputes.
Open Journal of Legal Science