随着核电技术的不断发展,核电培训用模拟机的项目数据规模越来越大,开发流程时间跨度大,产生的中间版本多,容易造成整个开发过程中的项目版本混乱、追溯性差,最终导致产品质量下降。配置管理系统是能应用于模拟机项目完整开发流程及后期维护的系统,负责管理模拟机开发、运行、维护全生命周期的数据及文档,能够有效解决开发人员在项目开发过程中遇到的上述问题。从两个主要方面介绍配置管理系统:1) 从运行流程设计、文件系统设计以及数据库设计等方面对配置管理系统的设计原理进行了分析;2) 对配置管理系统的主要模块:配置库管理、数据库管理和集成开发运行环境管理等进行了介绍,最后总结了配置管理系统的优点以及在实际项目中的应用情况。
With the development of nuclear power technology, project data size of simulator used in nuclear power training is bigger and bigger, time span of development process is long, many intermediate versions emerge, it is easy to cause project version confusion and poor traceability of the whole de-velopment process, leading to quality degradation. Configuration Management System (CMS) is a system applied in the whole development process of nuclear power simulator projects and later stage maintenance, it can help developers solve above problems effectively during project devel-opment process. It is responsible for managing lifecycle data and documents of simulator projects from development, running to maintenance. The paper conducts analysis on CMS in two main as-pects: 1) Conduct analysis on design principle of CMS from running process design, file system de-sign and database design. 2) Introduce the main modules of CMS: configuration repository man-agement, database management and integrated development &running environment manage-ment. At last, the advantages and the application in practical projects of CMS are summed up.
Nuclear Science and Technology