目的:对快速康复外科护理模式优化高原肝包虫病人围手术期的护理满意度进行调查研究。方法:选取我院2016年5月至2020年7月诊治的236例肝包虫患者,按不同护理方式参照随机数字表法将其分成对照组和FTS (快速康复外科,Fast Track Surgery)组,每组各118例,对照组采用术后常规围手术期护理措施,FTS组在此基础上融合快速康复外科护理模式,统计对比两组患者术后一般情况和护理满意度的差异。结果:FTS组患者的排气、排便时间显著早于对照组(P
Objective: To investigate and studythe nursing satisfaction of patients with high altitude hepatic hydatidpatients during the perioperative period to optimize the rapid rehabilitationsurgical nursing model. Methods: A total of 236 cases of hepatic echinococcosispatients diagnosed and treated in our hospital from May 2016 to July 2020 were selected. According to different nursingmethods, the patients were divided into the control group and the FTS (FastTrack Surgery) group according to the random number table method, with 118patients in each group. The control group adopts postoperative routineperioperative nursing measures, and the FTS group integrates the Fast TrackSurgery nursing model on this basis,and the differences in postoperative general conditions and nursingsatisfaction between the two groups were statistically compared. Results:The time of exhaust and defecation in FTS group was significantly earlier thanthat in control group (P
Nursing Science