目的:调查分析急诊科护理人员职业暴露后的预防现况与影响因素。方法:通过线上问卷采用简单随机抽样的方式选取本市三级以上医院的急诊科护士共280例作为研究对象,调查急诊护理人员的一般资料与职业暴露后预防处理能力,分析现况与影响因素。结果:预防处理问卷调查总体得分为(35.23 ±3.68)分。急诊工作年限越长、进行职业暴露处理流程培训、有完善的职业暴露处理流程以及定期分析职业暴露原因的护理人员,其职业暴露后预防处理问卷得分越高,差异具有统计学意义(P 【0.05)。结论:工作年限不足、医院没有进行职业暴露处理流程培训、科室无职业暴露处理流程以及没有定期分析职业暴露原因,是影响护理人员职业暴露后预防处理水平低下的重要原因。
Objective:To investigate and analyze the prophylactic status and influencing factors ofnursing staff after occupational exposure in the emergency department. Methods:A total of 280 emergency nurses from grade III and above hospitals in the citywere selected as the research objects through the online questionnaire bysimple random sampling. The general data of emergency nurses and the ability ofoccupational post-exposure prevention and treatment were investigated, and thecurrent situation and influencingfactors were analyzed. Results: The overall score of the preventive treatmentquestionnaire was (35.23 ±3.68). Nursing staff with longer working years in theemergency department, occupational exposure management process training,complete occupational exposure management process, and regular analysis ofoccupational exposure causes had higher scores in the post-exposure prophylaxis questionnaire, and thedifference was statistically significant (P
Nursing Science