电子化政府服务系统上线后若发生服务失效,致使民众权益受损,将备受社会大众与媒体关切,而系统设计与维护厂商,亦有可能均遭不同程度究责,可谓三输局面。推究其主因有:1) 或因服务场域作业规画不良致使服务失效;2) 或因系统多层次架构增加资料处理及维护复杂度致使服务失效;3) 或因服务系统测试方法发生疏漏致使服务失效;及4) 或因系统设计架构未臻完备以至于可靠度减损致使服务失效等,不一而足。本文提出一套具体可行综合框架,以系统性思考,运用科学方法加以厘清服务失效成因,透过实地参与观察了解服务现况,配合多回合专家讨论,针对设备集中化所引发相关议题,一方面找出短期服务失效主因以有效解决问题,另一方面兼顾资讯科技发展趋势指引具体方向,为此资讯系统订下长治久安之计,并作为未来电子化政府服务系统设计方法上之改进依据。
The impact of service failure of an e-Government system, not only will attract the attention from the media, but also diminish the potential of the citizen rights, and impose the accused responsibility of the service developers and the service vendor as well. The possible root causes are: 1) poor design of the standard operation procedures;2) the complexity of multi-level computing architecture;3) insufficient system tests;4) poor system reliability design, etc. This paper presents a feasible synthetic framework using the scientific system-thinking approach to identify the possible root causes of service failure. Through a series of participation observation processes, gathering the comments and the recommendations from the expert meetings, this framework discloses the immediate activities to reduce the possibility of service failure and to suggest the future service enhancement directions as the guidelines for the following system design.
Management Science and Engineering