吡唑羧酸配体具有多个N,O配位点,可以与金属离子通过配位键形成具有良好稳定性和优异光学性能的配位聚合物。本研究主要围绕吡唑羧酸配位聚合物的合成和发光传感性能进行探讨。首先,介绍了如何通过原料选择与预处理,以及合成步骤与条件优化合成发光性能不同的吡唑羧酸配位聚合物。其次,研究了吡唑羧酸配位聚合物在发光传感方面的性能研究。最后,探讨了吡唑羧酸配位聚合物在发光薄膜、白光及防伪材料等领域的潜在应用价值。Pyrazole carboxylic acid ligands have multiple N, O coordination sites, which can form coordination polymers with metal ions through coordination bonds, resulting in materials with good stability and excellent optical properties. This study mainly focuses on the synthesis and luminescent sensing performance of pyrazole carboxylic acid coordination polymers. Firstly, it introduces how to synthesize pyrazole carboxylic acid coordination polymers with different luminescent properties through the selection and pretreatment of raw materials, as well as the optimization of synthesis steps and conditions. Secondly, the study investigates the performance of pyrazole carboxylic acid coordination polymers in luminescent sensing. Finally, it explores the potential application value of pyrazole carboxylic acid coordination polymers in the fields of luminescent films, white light, and anti-counterfeiting materials.
Material Sciences