孔径及孔径分布是多孔材料的重要性质之一,通过介绍包括Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH)法、Horvath-Kawazoe (HK)法、Saito-Foley (SF)法和NLDFT (非定域密度泛函理论)多种孔径分析的理论模型,总结了每种模型的优缺点及适用条件。结果表明,BJH法只能适用于分析柱状的介孔材料(5 nm 【孔径 【50 nm);HK法只适用于分析含狭缝孔的微孔活性炭材料;SF法适用于根据氩气吸附等温线分析圆柱型微孔材料;NLDFT法不仅适用于分析微孔材料的孔径分布,还可以分析微介孔复合材料孔径分布,具有更广的应用范围及前景。
Pore size and pore size distribution are one of the important properties of porous materials. Various theoretical models for pore size analysis, including Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), Horvath-Kawazoe (HK), Saito-Foley (SF) and NLDFT (non-local density functional theory) are introduced, and the applicable conditions of each theoretical model are summarized. The results show that BJH method can be used to analyze cylindrical mesoporous materials with pore size between 5 nm and 50 nm. HK method is more suitable for the analysis of microporous activated carbon materials with slit holes, and SF method is intended for analyzing cylindrical microporous materials according to the adsorption isotherms determined by argon. NLDFT method is more suitable for the analysis of micro-mesoporous composites, which has a wide range of applications and prospects.
Material Sciences