An autonomous circuit without dissipative elements is a conservative system, whose phase portrait of oscilla- tion is a Hamiltonian cycle rather than a limit cycle. The size of cycle is closed related to the initial energy stored in the network. The total energy stored in the network keeps always constant after the starting instant. It is a periodic oscilla- tion but not an attractor.It is a lossless system that the non-autonomous circuit has excited source but without dissipative elements. The oscillation solution not only depends on the excited source, but also on the initial conditions sensitively. The change process of stored energy of every reactance elements is distinct in every excited period. The boundness and aperiodicity of phase portrai show the basic characteristics of the chaotic oscillation. This paper introduces an experi- mental circuit of chaotic signal generator structured by lossless system. It is demonstrated that the chaos produced by the lossless systems is a kind of aperiodic oscillation. It has not attractiveness for neighboring trajectory so that it is not an attractor either.
Modern Physics