笔者以中国知网为数据源,对近十年来中国有关汉英对比分析的文献进行系统梳理,具体分析了当前关于汉英对比文献研究所呈分布状况以及发展趋势。深入理解汉英对比分析在不同阶段中的现状及原因概述,总结传统汉英对比向现代汉英对比演变路径,以期为后续研究和实践提供参考。Taking CNKI as the data source, the author systematically combs the literature on Chinese-English contrastive analysis in China in the past decade, and specifically analyzes the distribution and development trend of current research on Chinese-English contrastive literature. This paper provides an overview of the status quo and causes of Chinese-English contrastive analysis in different stages, and summarizes the evolution path from traditional Chinese-English contrastive analysis to modern Chinese-English contrastive analysis, in order to provide reference for subsequent research and practice.
Modern Linguistics