《游园惊梦》是著名短篇小说家白先勇先生的作品。该作集历史与现实于一体,技巧上融中西于一炉,意蕴丰富,可谓短篇小说的典范。本文以莫娜•贝克(Mona Backer)的叙事理论为基础,通过对《游园惊梦》英译本的案例分析,深入探讨了翻译叙事构建的四个原则:时空构建、选择性挪用、标志性构建和参与者重新定位。通过对这些原则的研究,文章揭示了翻译策略在译文中的巧妙应用,并详细分析了译者如何通过这些手段构建译文的叙事结构,使之更好地满足目标读者的期望。
Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream is authored by the renowned short story novelist Bai Xianyong. This novel stands as an exemplary representation of Chinese short stories, seamlessly intertwining a profound sense of history and realism, while employing writing techniques that amalgamate both Chinese and Western styles. Drawing upon Mona Backer’s narrative theory, this paper delves into the narrative construction in translation by conducting a detailed case study on the English rendition of Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream. The four guiding principles explored include temporal and spatial framing, selective appropriation of textual material, framing by labeling and repositioning of participants. Through a thorough examination of these principles, this paper reveals the skillful application of translation strategies, offering a detailed analysis of how translators utilize these means to construct the narrative structure of the translation, so as to better align with and satisfy the expectations of the target readers.
Modern Linguistics