As its own medical value and therapeutic effect, Chinese medicine has been passed down in China for thousands of years and has been flourishing for a long time, which is the crystallisation of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese working people, and also belongs to an indispensable part of the an-cient Chinese culture at a certain level. This paper analyses Mr. Lin Yutang’s classic work Moment in Peking, selects the English translation examples of medical terms full of Chinese characteristics, analyses them from the perspective of “three-dimensional” transformation of language, culture and communication, and applies the “three-dimensional” transformation to study the translation of the translator’s “three-dimensional” transformation. The study will analyze from the perspective of linguistic, cultural and communicative “three-dimensional” transformation, and use the “three-dimensional” transformation to study the translators’ choice of appropriate translation theo-ries and translation methods for the English translation of Chinese medicine texts.
Modern Linguistics