There are 20 modal particles in Longbu Hakka dialect, including: 啊[a21], 啊[a44], 吗[ma44], 哇[va214], 哇[va44], 呢[ne21], 呢[ne44], 哈[xa44], 哈[xa214], 哦[əu44], 哦[əu21], 吧[pha35], 唦[sa35], 欸[ei44], 个[ge21], 得[tei21], 嗷[ɔ54], 夯[xɑŋ44], 呵[xe44], 时[si32]. “啊[a44], 哇[va44], 呢[ne44], 时[si32]”, These four modal particles can be used either at the end of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence. According to the different mood, six mood types are summarized, including imperative, interrogative, exclamatory, declarative, interrogative and interrogative, and consultation and hy-pothesis.
Modern Linguistics