Instead of tone contour, the falling tone (“Low”) is the only distinctive phonetic feature of the tone 3 in terms of the tone pattern in Mandarin. Tone 3 is merely a falling tone articulated through nu-merous variations. The phonetic features of the falling tone implies that it can only be articulated with reference to those of the rising tone, which is defined as “reference realization” in this paper. This paper analyzes the realizations of those tone 3 which are either followed by rear boundary or not and summarizes a number of variants of the tone 3 and explains the principle of “tone sandhi” under the “reference” pattern. In conclusion, this paper suggests that pronunciation is a continuous process;and the identification of the contour of the tone 3 should necessarily include a distinctive phonetic feature but not just a single, separated data point. Moreover, the realization of a tone should not be limited to internal syllables but a cross-syllable pattern as well.
Modern Linguistics