Vlog (Video Blog)是一种利用影像艺术化地记录与表现日常生活的短视频。在近期,它成为新媒体短视频中的流行种类,可能成为近年来短视频的新爆发点。在众多短视频种类中,它呈现出一种独特的“真实感”,而这种“真实”是一种营造与建构的真实——拟态真实。Vlog的制作与传播者通过人格化叙事,真实自然的叙事方式与纪实性的制作模式,提升受众的黏性,使他们沉浸在Vlog所营造的虚拟真实之中。
Vlog, (Video Blog) is a kind of short videos which record daily lives in artistic expressions. In recent years, vlog has become a hot topic. Comparatively speaking, vlog gives audiences a typical kind of realistic experiences. However, Vloggers build a kind of pseudo-reality in their works. Personality and documentary approach, which can improve immersion feeling, may help vloggers to earn their followers attention.
Journalism and Communications