红盲高原鳅(Triplophysa erythraea Liu &Huang, 2019)是发现于湘西州花垣县大龙洞(28?16'25.11''N,109?28'57.18''E,海拔563 m)的一个洞穴盲鱼新种,属于真洞穴动物,具有重要的生态生物学意义和科学研究价值。本文对其种群数量与栖息环境进行了初步调查。结果表明,其个体数量极为稀少(在5次调查中,总共仅发现15尾),栖息环境非常特殊,处于极度濒危状态,亟待保护。
Triplophysa erythraea is a new species of blind fish discovered in Dalong Cave (28?16'25.11''N, 109?28'57.18''E, 563 m ASL), Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, China. It belongs to the typical cave animals (troglobites) and is of very important eco-biological significance and sci-research value. Recently, we carried out a preliminary investi-gation into its population size and habitat. The results showed that the population was extremely small (only 15 individuals found in the field surveys of five times) with relatively peculiar habitat, and that it was overly endangered and needed to be conserved.
International Journal of Ecology