Lead (Pb) is non-essential for plants and animals and is known as one of the five most toxic envi-ronmental pollutants. Polluted soil will result in toxin in agricultural products and lead can enter into food chain by soil-crop system, which will hurt human beings. Factors affecting the bioavaila-bility of soil lead have been one of the focuses of environmental science in recent years. The re-search on the influence of soil physical and chemical properties is mature and has been widely recognized, and pH is one of the most important factors affecting the bioavailability of Pb. In this paper, the source of lead, accumulation and migration in agricultural soil-crop were summarized. The effects of soil pH on Pb bioavailability were analyzed emphasizing three aspects: adsorp-tion-desorption, chemical form and biological activity. Finally, further research in the bioavailability of Pb was proposed, which would provide reference for the migration and transformation of Pb in soil and the repair of Pb contaminated soil.
Hans Journal of Soil Science