原花青素具有较高的保健和药用价值。葡萄皮是廉价易得的天然材料,且原花青素含量较高。本文采用乙醇对葡萄皮中原花青素进行了提取,研究了乙醇体积分数、浸提温度、浸提时间、料液比对提取效果的影响。以原花青素的提取含量为指标,通过单因素试验确立了影响原花青素提取量的适宜条件。实验结果表明,“巨峰”葡萄皮中原花青素提取适宜条件分别为:乙醇体积分数50%、浸提温度50℃、浸提时间60 min、料液比为1:5 (0.25 mg:5 mL)。本实验为从葡萄皮中提取原花青素提供了参考。
Proanthocyanidin is a kind of active substance with high health and medicinal value. Grape skins are natural materials which are cheap and easy to get. The grape skins include higher levels of proanthocyanidins. The extraction process for Proanthocyanidins from grape skins by ethanol was investigated in this paper, the effects of ethanol concentration, extraction temperature, extraction time and ratio of solid to liquid on the yield of extraction were evaluated. With the extraction yield as index, the suitable extraction conditions are determined by the single factor. The results show that suitable extraction conditions of extracting Proanthocyanidins from “JuFeng” grape skin by ethanol are as follows: ethanol concentration is 50%, extraction temperature is 50?C, extraction time is 60 min and ratio of solid to liquid is 1:5 (0.25 mg:5 mL). This method can provide a guidance for proanthocyanidins extraction from grape skins by ethanol.
Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science