In the process of mining biologicaldisease data, it is often disturbed by strong noise, which makes data mining inaccurate.At this time, some traditional methods for mining critical point signals are invalid.In this paper, we adopt the method of probability distribution embedding basedon individual specific network to study the two time series data of liver cancerand prostate cancer, detect the critical signal of malignant mutation ofdisease, and then predict the mutation point of disease. The theoretical basisof this work is to transform the big noise data of the sample state of the originalsystem into the small noise data of the sample probability distribution by theprobability distribution embedding transformation, and then establish theindividual specific network. It is found that it can reduce interference ofdata noise and solve the problem of fewer sample data. Then, based on thedynamic network biomarkers to detect the signal of disease mutation, thefunctional analysis of these biomarkers shows that they can well reflect thecritical signal.
Hans Journal of Computational Biology