We observed positive results of MRET water complimentary treatment for HIV patients during a clinical trial. There are recent research data which allow pointing to a similar mode of action for the two viral proteins, suggesting that anti-viral strategy that targets the viral-induced membrane fusion step can be adapted from HIV-1 to SARS-CoV. The stability of virus spike protein structure is based on the overall interactions of van der Walls weak electrodynamic forces and hydrogen bonding. It is obvious, that all biochemical formations of proteins require presence of water mol-ecules in biological systems. The overall observed research data suggest that modification of wa-ter-based medium electrodynamic parameters of the human tissues (that are favorable for the homeostasis of the body in the range of physiological “window”) can lead to significant change of van der Walls interactions and hydrogen bonding that may result in the inhibition and interruption of virus spike proteins formation. Such scenario obviously disables virus life sequence of attachment and fusion with human cell membranes. The same type of mechanism can be adopted for the inhibition of other lines of pathogenic microorganisms. The studies conducted at AltheaDx Technology, USA confirm that MRET activated water based medium did not affect the morphology of normal PBMC cells on genetic level;it affected the morphology of normal PBMC cells in a positive way increasing their viability. MRET Activated Water is produced with the patent in the USA Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET, US Patent # 6022479). We suggest that MRET water consumption by human subjects can lead to physiologically favorable modification of dielectric permittivity and hydrogen bonding of water-based medium in the human body tissues. It can pro-vide the initial human body natural defense against intervention and spread of pathogenic micro-organisms.
Hans Journal of Biomedicine