新生代农民工作为一种特殊群体,他们对融入城市有着强烈的意愿,然而由于其先天条件不足和后天制度影响,其在转变为市民过程中遇到重重阻碍。为更好的推动市民化发展,本文使用Multilevel logit模型,得出制度性因素、心理资本、城市包容性、人力资本对农民工市民化有着显著性影响,其结论如下:1) 农民工市民化意愿不仅仅取决于自身,还取决于本地人对待农民工的态度。本地人待人越友善,越容易接受外来的农民工,即城市的包容性越高,农民工市民化意愿越强烈。2) 保险制度仍然是农民工市民化的重要影响因素,我国在这方面的制度还需进一步完善。3) 新生代农民工市民化进程受心理资本与人力资本影响较大,其有利于推进新生代农民工的市民化进程。
The new generation of farmers work as a special group, they have a strong desire to integrate into the city. However, due to the lack of inherent conditions and the influence of the acquired system, they encounter many obstacles in the process of becoming citizens. In order to better promote the development of citizenization, this paper uses the Multilevel logit model, and concludes that institutional factors, psychological capital, urban inclusiveness, and human capital have a significant impact on the citizenization of migrant workers. The conclusions are as follows: 1) Migrant workers’ willingness to citizenize not only depends on themselves, but also depends on the attitude of local people towards migrant workers. The more friendly the local people are to others, the easier they are to accept migrant workers. That is to say, the more inclusive the city is, the stronger the willingness of migrant workers to become citizens is. 2) The insurance system is still an important factor affecting the citizenization of migrant workers, and China’s system in this regard needs to be further improved. 3) The citizenization process of the new generation of migrant workers is greatly affected by psychological capital and human capital, which is conducive to promoting the citizeniza-tion process of the new generation of migrant workers.
Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences