随着电子商务的快速发展,物流环节作为其重要支撑,为响应可持续发展理念,社会对电子商务企业的绿色物流提出了更高的要求。本文通过分析电子商务环境下绿色物流的创新意义,对目前所存在的问题进行深入探讨,并提出相应的创新策略,促进电子商务企业与绿色物流的深度融合,推动形成低碳、环保、高效的电商物流绿色化模式,为实现可持续发展贡献力量。With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics has become an important support. In response to the concept of sustainable development, society has put forward higher requirements for green logistics of e-commerce enterprises. This article analyzes the innovative significance of green logistics in the e-commerce environment, explores the existing problems in depth, and proposes corresponding innovative strategies to promote the deep integration of e-commerce enterprises and green logistics, promote the formation of low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and efficient e-commerce logistics green models, and contribute to the realization of sustainable development.
E-Commerce Letters