The development of Internet technology has changed the traditional mode of economic development, bringing convenience to countless people. However, the development of the Internet economy has also brought about negative problems, of which big data discriminatory pricing. big data discriminatory pricing through the analysis of consumer data information, the implementation of price discrimination, putting consumers at a Square Deal and creating vicious competition in the market is also very bad for the development of the market through this. At present, the theory and practice of big data discriminatory pricing regulation has not reached a consensus, some laws in our country can regulate this behavior, but there are limitations. The practice of big data discriminatory pricing constitutes price discrimination, which violates the relevant provisions of the anti-monopoly law. The regulation of big data discriminatory pricing is consistent with the value objective of the anti-monopoly law itself. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the legal issues related to the “ripeness” of big data from the perspective of anti-monopoly law.
E-Commerce Letters