In practice, disputes arising frominternational investment emerge one after another and international investmentprotection is increasingly valued. This paper mainly focuses on “InternationalInvestment Protection and Considering Interests of Both Sides”. First of all,this paper gives an overview of international investment protection, whichreflects the transformation from traditional international investmentprotection to modern international investment protection, and the transformationfrom focusing on the protection of investors’ interests to taking into accountthe interests of both sides. Secondly, this paper discusses the reasons forbalancing the interests of both investors and host countries, firstly from thedirect and indirect reasons, and then expounds on the significant reasons fortaking into account the interests of both sides. Finally, this paper combinesthe relevant provisions of China’s ForeignInvestment Law, further emphasizes the consideration of the interests ofboth sides, and puts forward suggestions for the improvement of China’s Foreign Investment Law.
Dispute Settlement