随着生活水平的不断提高,亚健康人群呈逐年上升的趋势,养生越来越受人们的重视。中医学关于养生的理论和方法是极其丰富的,但重要的是顺时养生。将计算机技术与中医养生相结合,设计基于Web的四时养生平台,为与中医养生相关疾病的防治、养生保健、健康数据等提供服务。平台利用ThinkPhp开源框架技术,采用PHP + Mysql技术,在养生实践中有较好的应用价值。
With the improvement of living standards, there is an upward trend in sub-health population. Therefore, people pay more and more attention to keep in good health. Traditional theory of Chinese medicine preserves one’s health that is extremely rich, but the important thing is to chronologically preserve one’s health. The paper combines computer technology with traditional Chinese medicine to keep in good health and designs a web-based platform for preserving people’s health. It can support health data service for people’s health related diseases prevention, control of traditional Chinese medicine and health care. The platform uses ThinkPhp framework and PHP + Mysql technology. It has the good application value in keeping good health in practice.
Xiaobao Hu;Chengqi Zhu;Shuhao Yu(School of Electronic and Information Engineering, West Anhui University, Lu’an Anhui;School of Foreign Languages, West Anhui University, Lu’an Anhui)
Computer Science and Application