在分析药学类院校经管专业学生的知识背景与培养目标的基础上,整合原来“基础化学”、“分析化学”和“有机化学”等三门课程的主干内容,专门编撰配套教材,建设在线课程,优化课程教学手段,改革学习效果评价方式,最终开设了《化学基础》新课程。该课程可以使学生掌握一定的化学基本知识及实验技能,为后续药学相关课程的学习奠定基础。该课程包括理论授课和实验训练两个阶段,各在两个连续学期开课,共136学时。教学上采用“线上 + 线下”的多种教学模式,考核方式上注重过程性评价,提高学习目标的达成度,引入开放性、综合性试题,激发学生的创造性思维。该课程已连续开设4轮,教学效果好,具有较强的推广借鉴价值。
Based on the analysis of the knowledge background and training objectives of the students ma-joring in economics and management in pharmaceutical colleges, we created a new course “Chemistry Foundation”, by integrating the main contents of the original three courses of “Basic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry” and “Organic Chemistry”, compiling a supporting textbook, constructing the online modules, optimizing the teaching methods, and reforming the evaluation methods of the learning effects. This course can enable students to master certain basic chemistry knowledge and experimental skills, and thus lay a foundation for the subsequent study of pharmacy related courses. The course consists of two stages, theoretical teaching and experimental training, which are offered in two consecutive semesters, with a total of 136 class hours. A variety of teaching methods of “online + offline” were adopted, and process evaluation was emphasized to improve the achievement of learning objectives. Open and comprehensive test questions were introduced to stimulate students’ creative thinking. This course has been offered for four consecutive rounds, and the teaching effects were good, showing a strong reference value for promotion.
Creative Education Studies