

Analysis of Winter Climate Characteristics and Its Impact on Agriculture in Shouguang in 2024
摘要 基于寿光市温度、降水、光照等要素资料,分析寿光市2024年冬季(2023年12月~2024年2月,下同)气候特征及影响。结果表明,1) 2024年冬季寿光平均气温−0.4℃,较常年偏低0.5℃。非冷、暖冬,为正常年份;2023年12月上旬平均气温较常年偏高3.7℃,为有气象资料以来历史同期第四位高值;中旬平均气温较常年偏低4.5℃,为有气象资料以来历史同期第二位低值;2024年2月中旬平均气温较常年偏高3.2℃,为有气象资料以来历史同期第五位高值;2月下旬平均气温较常年偏低5.0℃,为1991年以来第一位低值;2024年冬季极端最高气温24.2℃,突破寿光有气象记录以来12月历史同期最高值;2024年冬季低温日数10 d,较常年偏多3.8 d;2024年冬季 ≥ 0℃积温139.8℃,较常年偏少7.4℃;负积温−177.2℃,较常年偏低40.1℃。2) 冬季降水量63.4 mm,较常年偏多34.7 mm。2023年12月降水量27.7 mm,较常年偏多189%,为历史同期第五高值;12月日最大降水量达17.8 mm,位列历史同期第四位高值;12月中旬降水量27.2 mm,突破寿光有气象资料以来同期降水量历史极值。2024年1月份降水量8.6 mm,较常年偏多34%;2月份降水27.1 mm,较常年偏多113%,为历史同期第九位高值;2024年冬季降水日数16 d,较常年偏多7.5 d。2月降水日数较常年偏多5.1 d,为历史同期第二位多值。2024年冬季降雪日数14 d,较常年偏多5.7 d。2月降雪日数较常年偏多5.2 d,为历史同期第五位多值,为1974年以来同期第一位多值。3) 2024年冬季日照时数478.2 h,较常年同时段偏少22.9 h;2024年冬季阴天日数27 d,较常年偏多8 d。大雾日数达1 3d,较常年偏多5.8 d。4) 整个冬季气温偏低,雨雪偏多,土壤墒情较好,对小麦安全越冬利弊并存,利大于弊;阶段性低温寡照,对设施农业生产不利。 Based on data on factors such as temperature, precipitation, and light in Shouguang City, analyze the climate characteristics and impacts of the winter of 2024 (December 2023 to February 2024, the same below) in Shouguang City. The results showed that: 1) The average temperature in Shouguang in the winter of 2024 was −0.4˚C, which is 0.5˚C lower than usual. Non cold and warm winter was a normal year;The average temperature in the first ten days of December 2023 was 3.7˚C higher than usual, making it the fourth highest value in history for the same period since meteorological data was available;The average temperature in mid month is 4.5˚C lower than usual, which is the second lowest value in history for the same period since meteorological data was available;The average temperature in mid February 2024 was 3.2˚C higher than usual, making it the fifth highest value in history for the same period since meteorological data was available;The average temperature in late February was 5.0˚C lower than usual, the first low value since 1991;The extreme highest temperature in the winter of 2024 was 24.2˚C, surpassing the historical highest value in December since Shouguang had meteorological records;The number of low temperature days in winter 2024 is 10 days, which is 3.8 days more than usual;In the winter of 2024, the accumulated temperature of ≥ 0˚C was 139.8˚C, which is 7.4˚C less than usual;The negative accumulated temperature was −177.2˚C, which is 40.1˚C lower than usual. 2) The winter precipitation was 63.4 mm, which is 34.7 mm higher than usual. The precipitation in December 2023 was 27.7 millimeters, 189% higher than usual, making it the fifth highest value in history during the same period;The maximum daily precipitation in December reached 17.8 mm, ranking fourth in history for the same period;The precipitation in mid December was 27.2 mm, surpassing the historical extreme precipitation for the same period since meteorological data was available in Shouguang. The precipitation in January 2024
机构地区 寿光市气象局
出处 《气候变化研究快报》 2024年第3期716-723,共8页 Climate Change Research Letters
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