The extreme precipitation is the main factor in leading to flood hazard on State Grid. Based on the daily observed precipitation from 2419 national benchmark stations, this study investigated the rainfall-flood hazard of State Grid by introducing 4 extreme precipitation indices including rain-storm days, precipitation intensity, strong precipitation amount and extreme precipitation amount as the indicators. Then the distribution and trend of rainfall-flood hazard over State Grid’s 6 divisions were analyzed by calculating the climatology patterns, regional average series and stational trends. The results show the larger rainfall-flood hazard in South than in North, and the East_China is facing the most serious hazard both in distribution and trend. There are also significant increased trends in Central_China, North_China and east part of Northeast_China. Urban agglomerations in Jing-Jin-Ji of North_China and Chengdu-Chongqing of Southwest_China show deceased trends in the local scale. Moreover, the significant increased trends in historical arid regions (e.g. North-west_China) need more attention in future operational construction and flood control due to the potential hazard and risks.
Climate Change Research Letters