本文利用邵阳市2017年1月~12月全市10个国家基准站和基本站的地面观测资料、区域自动气象站的降水资料以及乡村气象信息员所提供的气象灾害观测资料,对2017年邵阳的气候和发生在邵阳的主要气候事件进行了分析,结果表明,1) 2017年全市年平均气温为17.7℃,较常年平均偏高0.7℃,为1960年以来第三高值。2) 全市年平均降水为126.1 mm,比常年偏少85.2 mm。3) 全市年平均日照为1190.4小时,较历年偏少247.6小时。4) 气象灾害频发,洪涝灾害严重,资江洪峰超警戒水位4.29 m,为历史第二高水位。
Using the ground observation data of 10 national reference station and the basic stand of Shaoyang city from January to December in 2017,as well as the precipitation data of regional automatic weather stations and rural meteorological data observed by the researcher provided by the meteorological disasters of Shaoyang,the climate and main climatic events are analyzed over Shaoyang in 2017.The results show that:1)The annual average temperature is 17.7?C in 2017,which is 0.7?C higher than the annual average,the third high value since 1960.2)The average annual precipitation of the city is 126.1 mm,which is 85.2 mm less than the annual average.3)The annual average sunshine is 1190.4 hours,which is 247.6 hours less than the previous year.4)Frequent meteorological disasters and serious flood disasters occurred.The flood peak of Zijiang River exceeded the warning level by 4.29 meters,which is the second highest water level in history.
Climate Change Research Letters