Ophioglossum pedunculosum is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with medical and health care functions. Large amount of manual excavation has led to a sharp decrease in the number of wild medicinal resources and the danger of extinction. Through field research and measurement of plant morphological characteristics, the results showed that the population density of Ophioglossum pedunculosum under the disturbance of artificial activities on campus reached 36 strains per square meter, which was significantly higher than that of the wild plants;the height of plant, length and width of leaves are significantly lower than wild plants, and dwarfing phenomenon is obvious;the number of double leaves is higher than that of wild plants, and there is a certain environmental stress adaptation;population reproduction is dominated by vegetative reproduction of underground cross-stems, showing an axial extension state. It is concluded that artificial activities such as weeding, artificial excavation and trampling are important factors affecting the physiological and morphological changes of Ophioglossum pedunculosum: grass cutting and trampling mainly produce plant dwarfing effects, and at the same time have a constructive effect on the habitat;digging destroys the physiology of underground stem structure, resulting in an increasing number of proliferative ends, which is conducive to an increasing population and density. This article proposes that relying on urban artificial lawn and green space to plant Ophioglossum pedunculosum artificially is beneficial to the protection and sustainable use of wild resources.
Botanical Research