

Research on the Insurance Terms of Express Delivery Service Contracts
摘要 随着经济的发展,快递行业在人民生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。快递保价条款是快递公司为了重复使用而预先制定的、未与寄件人协商的、内容定型化的条款,在性质上属于格式条款。快递保价条款存在以下问题:一是保价条款纠纷时适用法律不统一,二是提示与说明义务的认定标准不统一,三是举证责任分配不当。对此本文提出了完善建议,一是要求明确保价条款纠纷的适用法律,快递服务合同保价条款纠纷应当适用《民法典》合同编的规定。二是明确快递公司的提示与说明义务,应当从提示的时间、方式和内容几方面对保价条款进行明确规定。三是对举证责任进行合理分配,在适用一般举证责任的同时合理适用过错推定原则,由快递公司证明其尽到提示说明义务且自己不存在重大过失或故意的事实。 With the development of the economy, the express delivery industry is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives. The express delivery insurance clause is a standardized clause that is pre formulated by the express delivery company for repeated use, without consultation with the sender, and belongs to the format clause in nature. There are the following issues with express delivery insurance clauses: firstly, the applicable laws in disputes over insurance clauses are not unified;secondly, the standards for determining the obligation to remind and explain are not unified;thirdly, the allocation of burden of proof is improper. This paper puts forward suggestions for improvement. First, it requires to clarify the applicable law of the dispute over the price protection clause. The dispute over the price protection clause of the express delivery service contract should apply to the provisions of the contract part of the Civil Code. The second is to clarify the obligation of express delivery companies to provide reminders and explanations, and to clearly define the insurance terms from the time, method, and content of the reminders. The third is to allocate the burden of proof reasonably, while applying the general burden of proof, the principle of presumption of fault should be reasonably applied, and the express delivery company should prove that it has fulfilled its obligation to provide explanations and that there is no gross negligence or intentional fact.
作者 刘芷璇
出处 《社会科学前沿》 2023年第8期4387-4392,共6页 Advances in Social Sciences
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