党的二十大报告中提出,要增进民生福祉,提高人民生活品质,健全社会保障体系,完善基本养老保险全国统筹制度,增进老年人的民生福祉、提高老年人生活品质也是当下社会重点关注的议题之一。本文使用2018年中国老年人生活满意度调查数据(CLASS 2018)进行分析,以老年人自身生活满意度为因变量,以老年人享受各种社会保障基金状况为自变量,同时将老年人的性别、受教育程度、居住地区等列为控制变量,探究享受社会保障待遇状况对中国老年人生活满意度的影响。通过描述统计、回归分析等方法,得出结论:老年人获得充分的社会保障待遇与其生活满意度之间存在着正相关的影响关系,政府、社会和家庭都应共同努力,加大对老年人社会保障的投入和关注,努力实现老有所养、老有所乐的社会目标。
In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is proposed that it is necessary to improve people’s livelihood, improve the quality of life of people, improve the social security system, improve the national pooling system of basic endowment insurance, improving people’s livelihood and well-being of the elderly, and improving the quality of life of the elderly are also one of the key issues in the current society. This paper uses the life satisfaction survey data of the Elderly in China in 2018 (CLASS 2018) for analysis, taking the life satisfaction of the elderly as the dependent variable, the status of the elderly enjoying various social security funds as the independent variable, and the gender, education level and residence area of the elderly as the control variables, to explore the influence of social security benefits on the life satisfaction of Chinese elderly people. By means of descriptive statistics and regression analysis, it is concluded that there is a positive correlation between adequate social security benefits for the elderly and their life satisfaction. The government, society and families should make joint efforts to increase investment and attention in social security for the elderly, and strive to achieve the social goal of providing for and enjoying the elderly.
Aging Research