矢量水听器(Vector Hydrophone)可共点同时获取水下声场的声压标量与质点振速信息,为高信噪比SNR新体制声呐系统研制提供了思路,具有重要的军事应用价值。本文对矢量水听器的振速拾取、“8”字型指向性的空间滤波、DOA方位估计与姿态补偿的物理含义进行了阐述。对两种新型的微机电系统(Micro-electronic-Mechanical System, MEMS)仿生纤毛压阻式和铂丝热线式矢量水听器的工作原理进行了介绍,以期对声呐技术人员有所启发。
Vector hydrophone can simultaneously obtain the information of acoustic pressure and mass point velocity of underwater sound field, which provides a new idea for the development of high SNR sonar system with important military application value. In this paper, the physical explanations of the mass point velocity acquisition, the spatial filter of “8” shape directivity, DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation and attitude compensation are discussed. The working principles of MEMS (micro-electronic mechanical system) biomimetic piezoresistive vector hydrophone and platinum wire hot wire vector hydrophone are presented.
Applied Physics