情绪错误记忆指伴随着情绪体验的错误记忆。在心理治疗和司法等错误记忆产生的高风险领域,情绪对错误记忆的影响显得尤为重要。近年来,情绪错误记忆得到了系统的研究,主要采用的范式为Deese- Roediger-McDermott (DRM)范式和图片范式。回顾了采用这两种范式的研究,并对研究之间程序和结论上的差异进行了分析。矛盾的是,即使是相同的情绪,对错误记忆产生影响的具体方向也不一致。其主要原因在于图片记忆材料相对于单词记忆材料存在的记忆优势,对效价和唤醒程度控制上的混淆,以及回忆和再认测试程序上的不同。
Emotional false memory denotes the erroneous recall accompanied by emotional experience. In the realm of high-risk for false memories generated by psychotherapy and the judiciary, the impact of emotions on erroneous memory is particularly salient. In recent years, the systematic investigation into the misremembering of emotions has unfolded, primarily utilizing the Deese- Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm and the image paradigm. Reflecting upon the studies employing both paradigms, I have analyzed the disparities in procedures and conclusions between these research endeavors. Paradoxically, the specific orientations in which the identical emotions impact the origin of false memories do not concur. The principal reason lies in the superiority of image-based memory materials over word-based memory materials in the realm of memory recall, the confusion over the control of valence and activation levels, as well as the dissimilarity of the recall and recognition assessment procedures.
Advances in Psychology