本研究通过整理2008~2014年《贵阳市环境状况公报》中的空气质量及污染物排放量数据,运用时间序列分析法和相关性分析法研究2008~2014年贵阳市大气质量的演变特征,并分析大气中污染物浓度与其排放源强的相关性。结果显示近7年来贵阳市空气环境中的SO2年平均浓度逐渐降低,NO2年平均浓度逐渐增加,除2013年外PM10波动不大;SO2浓度降低可能与产业结构优化有关,NO2则主要受到机动车尾气排放的影响,而PM10的影响因素较为复杂;空气质量变化可分为两个阶段:2008~2012年空气质量优良率保持在94% ±1%的水平,空气质量较好且较为稳定,第二阶段为2013~2014年,空气质量有一定程度下降;大气污染物年平均浓度和相应年份的排放量具有很好的相关性,相关程度主要受到地形和污染物粒径大小的影响。
The data of atmosphere pollutant concentration and its emission load from the Guiyang City Envi-ronment Gazette were selected during 2008-2014, and the contamination characteristics of PM10, SO2, NO2 were analysed by the time-sequential approach, together with correlation analysis was used to assess the interaction between pollutant concentration in air and its emission. Results showed that the annual average concentration of SO2 gradually reduced, and the NO2 gradually in-creased, PM10 had small fluctuations except the 2013 year. The reducing SO2 concentrations may be associated with the industrial structure optimization, the increasing NO2 concentration is mainly influenced by exhaust emissions of motor vehicle, and the impact factors of PM10 is more compli-cated. The changes of air quality could be divided into two stages during 2008-2014. Air quality was more stable and comfortable during 2008-2012, the good rate of which maintained at 94% ±1% level. The air quality had partly decreased in the second stage during 2013-2014. The emissions of pollutants play a key role in controlling atmospheric pollutants’ concentrations, which is mainly influenced by terrain and pollutant particle size.
贵州省科学技术基金(黔科合J 字[2014]2048 号)