在数字化转型及平台经济蓬勃发展的浪潮之中,数字劳动展现出了前所未有的活力,虚拟主播作为一股新兴力量,以其独特的魅力吸引越来越多的关注。与传统主播不同,虚拟主播的核心在于“中之人”(即真人)与“皮套”(即动作捕捉技术)的紧密结合,使其能够跨越次元壁,与观众进行更为深入的亲密互动,成为虚拟主播场域中的璀璨之星。但随着平台资本的入侵,虚拟主播背后的“中之人”深受资本逻辑的规训,进而引发了一连串的劳动异化危机。为此,文章基于马克思异化劳动理论对“中之人”的数字劳动异化现象进行解读。同时,文章旨在通过激发数字技术的民主潜能、规范数字平台的资本运作逻辑、复归数字劳工的主体性以及遏制数字资本霸权主义等手段,以期消解“中之人”劳动异化的问题,实现数字劳动的健康发展,促进人的自由全面发展,创造人类数字文明新形态。In the wave of digital transformation and the booming development of platform economy, digital labor has shown unprecedented vitality, and virtual anchors, as an emerging force, are attracting more and more attention with their unique charm. Unlike traditional anchors, the core of virtual anchors lies in the close integration of the “middle person” (i.e. real person) and the “leather cover” (i.e. motion capture technology), allowing them to cross the dimensional wall and engage in deeper intimate interactions with the audience, becoming a shining star in the virtual anchor field. But with the invasion of platform capital, the “middlemen” behind virtual anchors is deeply regulated by the logic of capital, which has triggered a series of labor alienation crises. Therefore, based on Marx’s theory of alienated labor, this article interprets the phenomenon of digital labor alienation of the “middle man”. At the same time, the article aims to alleviate the problem of labor alienation among the “middle
Advances in Philosophy