通过对骨折术后患者的中医康复的干预策略研究现状进行综述,从骨折护理和中医康复护理理念、中医康复在骨折术后的应用以及应用效果等方面进行阐述,为医护人员预见及骨折术后患者提供信息支持,以达到帮助患者尽快恢复肢体功能、提高生活质量的目的。This review summarizes the current research status of intervention strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) rehabilitation in post-fracture surgery patients. It elaborates on aspects such as fracture care, the concept of TCM rehabilitation nursing, the application of TCM rehabilitation after fracture surgery, and its application effects. The aim is to provide information support for healthcare professionals and post-fracture surgery patients, in order to assist patients in recovering limb function as soon as possible and improving their quality of life.
Advances in Clinical Medicine