中耳炎(otitis media, OM)是一种常见的耳科疾病,常有耳痛、耳部流脓、听力下降及频繁耳鸣等症状,多发生于中耳鼓室内。该病多是由于细菌或病毒感染中耳引起,是学龄前儿童的高发常见病,尤其见于2~5岁的儿童。中耳炎患者治疗不及时容易导致听力不可逆性损失及中耳结构破坏,因此需要尽早干预,改善预后。目前临床对于该病主要是以药物治疗为主,其中盐酸左氧氟沙星滴耳液与地塞米松注射液联合治疗的疗效与安全性高,已经在临床获得推广使用。本文旨在总结盐酸左氧氟沙星滴耳液与地塞米松注射液联合治疗中耳炎的临床研究进展。
Otitis media is a common disease in otolaryngology, which mostly occurs in the tympanic chamber, leading to otalgia, increased secretions, hearing loss, frequent tinnitus and other symptoms. The disease is mostly caused by pathogenic microbial infection, which is common in preschool children, especially children aged 2 to 5. Delayed treatment of otitis media can easily lead to irreversible hearing loss and structural damage of the middle ear. Therefore, early intervention is needed to improve the prognosis. At present, the main clinical treatment for this disease is drug treatment, among which the combined treatment of Levofloxacin hydrochloride ear dropsand dexamethasone injection has high efficacy and safety, and has been promoted at the grassroots level. This article mainly discusses the clinical research progress of levofloxacin hydrochloride ear drops combined with dexamethasone injection in the treatment of otitis media.
Advances in Clinical Medicine