Colonoscopy is the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening, and high-quality colonoscopy re-quires adequate bowel preparation. For the high-risk population, the use of high-volume polyeth-ylene glycol drugs for intestinal preparation has large fluid intake, many adverse reactions, and poor patient tolerance. At present, about 18%~35% of patients have inadequate intestinal prepa-ration. Polyethylene glycol based bowel preparation drugs and other drugs can reduce fluid intake and improve patient tolerance;At the same time, due to the high-risk factors of the intestinal prep-aration population, the specificity of diet and other drug use before intestinal preparation helps to improve the success rate of intestinal preparation. The purpose of this article is to summarize the effect of bowel preparation for some high-risk groups, and to review the bowel preparation methods and schemes, so as to provide better choices for clinicians and patients undergoing colonoscopy.
Advances in Clinical Medicine