创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury, TBI)是世界范围内致残和死亡的主要原因之一,其后续发生的出血性进展(Hemorrhagic progression of contusion, HPC)往往与高死亡率,较差的预后相关,血钙在人体凝血功能及TBI病理生理机制中扮演着重要的角色,最近的研究表明血钙与TBI后HPC的发生及其神经预后相关,为评估HPC的发生及TBI患者的预后提供了新的思路,本文将从TBI的病理生理学及HPC的发生机制开始阐述,并进一步探讨血清钙可能参与的HPC病理生理潜在机制及其与TBI患者神经功能预后的联系。
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of disability and death worldwide, and their subsequent hemorrhagic progression of contusion (HPC) is often associated with high mortal-ity and poor prognosis. Blood calcium plays an important role in human coagulation function and the pathophysiological mechanism of TBI. Recent studies have shown that blood calcium is corre-lated with the occurrence of HPC and its neurological prognosis after TBI, providing new ideas for evaluating the occurrence of HPC and the prognosis of TBI patients. This paper will begin with the pathophysiology of TBI and the pathogenesis of HPC, and further explore the potential pathophysi-ological mechanism of HPC that serum calcium may be involved in and its relationship with the neurological prognosis of TBI patients.
Advances in Clinical Medicine