Atrial premature beat is the most common complication in the decompensated stage of cor pul-monale. The guidelines recommend cardiac selectivity in the treatment of arrhythmias β 1 receptor blockers (such as bisoprolol), but bisoprolol will appear with the increase of dosage β 2 receptor blocking, which induces bronchospasm and leads to the deterioration of pulmonary function, espe-cially in patients with cor pulmonale with severe airway obstruction. At the same time, bisoprolol has negative muscle strength effect while inhibiting sympathetic nerve excitation, which may ag-gravate right heart failure. Therefore, the guidelines suggest that the initial dose should be small. Wenyang Lishui Dingji recipe is made from Zhenwu Decoction, Guizhi licorice decoction, Polyporus umbellatus, Alisma orientalis, Salvia miltiorrhiza and jujube in Treatise on febrile diseases. It has the function of Warming Yang Lishui and calming the heart. It can not only treat atrial premature beats, but also treat right heart failure in the decompensated period of cor pulmonale. This paper discusses the safety and effectiveness of low-dose bisoprolol combined with Wenyang Lishui Dingji formula in the treatment of decompensated cor pulmonale complicated with atrial premature beats with Yang deficiency and water flooding syndrome.
Advances in Clinical Medicine