颈源性头痛(cervicogenic headache, CEH)是一种得到国际头痛协会承认的继发性头痛,以其颈源性疼痛放射到头部或面部为主要特点。近年来,其发病率高升,患者苦其久已,病势缠绵难愈,而中医外治法以多靶点治疗CEH,疗效满意,越来越被广大患者接受。但也存在操作不规范、临床试验不严谨、疗效评价标准不一等不足,本文通过对近年来的相关研究进行综述,以期为CEH的临床治疗提供积极的理论指导。
Cervicogenic headache (CEH) is a secondary headache recognised by the International Headache So-ciety and is characterised by cervicogenic pain radiating to the head or face. In recent years, its prevalence has increased and patients have suffered from it for a long time and the disease is diffi-cult to be cured. External treatment methods in Chinese medicine for CEH with multi-targeted therapy has shown satisfactory results and is increasingly accepted by the majority of patients. However, there are also deficiencies in the operation, clinical trials and evaluation criteria for effi-cacy. This paper reviews the relevant studies in recent years with a view to providing positive theo-retical guidance for the clinical treatment of CEH.
Advances in Clinical Medicine