勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction, ED)是男性性成熟期常见的性功能障碍疾病,而临床一线治疗方案对器质性病变导致的ED效果往往并不理想。干细胞移植治疗已被证明是一种有前途的新的ED治疗方法。现已证实干细胞是通过旁分泌的方式分泌外泌体发挥作用。外泌体内携带核酸物质,尤其是microRNA直接作用于靶细胞以改善功能恢复或激活内源性修复机制。当前在糖尿病ED、神经损伤性ED、动脉损伤性ED的动物实验中均取得良好的效果。本文着重对外泌体治疗各种器质性ED的研究进展进行综述,为后续临床转化提供理论基础。
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual dysfunction disease in male sexual maturity, but the clinical first-line treatment scheme is often not ideal for ED caused by organic diseases. Stem cell transplantation has been proved to be a promising new treatment for ED. It has been proved that stem cells secrete exosomes through paracrine. Nucleic acids carried in exosomes, especially mi-croRNA, directly act on target cells to improve functional recovery or activate endogenous repair mechanisms. At present, it has achieved good results in animal experiments of diabetic ED, nerve injury ED and artery injury ED. This article focuses on the research progress of exosomes in the treatment of various organic ED, providing theoretical basis for the follow-up clinical transfor-mation.
Advances in Clinical Medicine