目的:通过病例报告及文献回顾,分析总结Nd:YAG激光联合氟化钠治疗牙本质敏感症的临床疗效。方法:选择牙本质敏感症患者1例,应用Fotona Nd:YAG激光联合氟化钠凝胶治疗,采用VAS评分及Schiff评分联合评价治疗前后疼痛程度。结果:激光治疗前患者VAS评分及Schiff评分分别为7分及3分。治疗后即刻、4周及8周后VAS评分及Schiff评分均为0分。结论:Nd:YAG激光联合氟化钠是一种治疗牙本质敏感症的安全有效手段。
Dentin hypersensitivity is one of the most common endodontic diseases. This study aimed to analyze the clinical efficacy of Nd:YAG laser and sodium fluoride on dentin hypersensitivity through case report and literature review. One patient with dentin hypersensitivity was successfully treated by Nd:YAG laser and sodium fluoride. VAS score and Schiff score were 7 and 3 respectively, prior to treatment. VAS score and Schiff score were all 0 immediately, 4 weeks and 8 weeks post-operatively. We concluded that Nd:YAG laser combined with sodium fluoride is a safe and effective therapeutic option for dentin hypersensitivity.
Advances in Clinical Medicine